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How Organise members are changing workplaces in 2025

From Tesco delivery drivers fighting against AI surveillance in their vans to the biggest youth wage in history, Organise members are making a difference. Read about our recent successes and start your own workplace campaign today.

Honor Barber
February 18, 2025

In just the last few weeks, Organise members have come together, overcome their fears and taken on employers to make work better for our 1 million strong community.

Here’s a snapshot of the Organise community’s recent impact 👇

18,840 of us helped raise the minimum wage

The Government just released the official report explaining why they’ve decided to raise the minimum wage from April[1]. 18,840 of us shared our experiences with the Low Pay Commission - that’s the independent body responsible for recommending the minimum wage.  Our impact is tangible - they didn't just read them – they put our experiences right into their official report."It is mentally, physically and emotionally crippling. You have to think about every penny. Even a cup of tea out is impossible, let alone a sandwich on the go. Putting the heating on becomes a treat!" Our impact? The biggest youth wage rise in history. Here's how the minimum wage will change from April: - 18-20 year olds: 16.3% pay rise (up to £10/hour)- 16-17 year olds: 18% pay rise (up to £7.55/hour)- Over 21s: 6.7% pay rise (up to £12.21/hour)A 6.7% pay rise is good, but 91% of Organise members called for £15 per hour minimum. So we're not stopping here. Hundreds of Organise members are voting on whether to launch a £15 minimum wage campaign. [3] As one retail worker said: "£12 is nowhere near what it should be... You just can't afford to live now."

Tesco lorry drivers stop invasive surveillance

More than 300 Tesco lorry drivers have won their campaign to stop Tesco using AI-powered CCTV that would continuously film and monitor drivers in the trucks. [4] Tesco lorries already have external CCTV cameras for safety and Tesco didn’t explain why there needed to be more surveillance. So the drivers were really worried about the AI-powered CCTV being used to inappropriately discipline or threaten them. One driver said: “Our manager has stated that if you lift your hand from the steering wheel or drink water, you could be fired the next day. These cameras are not for safety; they are strictly for control. Too much stress makes accidents much more likely.” Well done, Tesco drivers!

MPs support Uber drivers’ rights

You might remember a few months ago thousands of us helped an Uber driver get reinstated after their account was wrongly deactivated with no way to appeal the decision. [5] The Uber driver is continuing their campaign to fix this widespread problem that’s left thousands of Uber drivers wrongly deactivated and without their income. Now more than 300 Uber drivers have joined the campaign and 56 are working with their MPs to raise this problem directly with Uber so that drivers can’t be automatically suspended without any explanation or way to appeal.

Wetherspoon’s staff heard by their shareholders

More than 1,700 us signed the petition calling on Wetherspoon’s to start reporting their ethnicity pay gap. [6] That information would ensure everyone is treated fairly; that pay and promotions are based on merit rather than bias. In partnership with ShareAction, our demands were taken straight to shareholders at their AGM. Wetherspoons are now considering our campaign demands… watch this space!

G4S security staff make progress for equal pay

It's a scandal: night shift staff at a G4S centre are being paid less than their colleagues who work during the day. A group of night shift staff started their petition after being ignored for years by G4S bosses. [7] After 1,200 of us backed their campaign for equal pay, G4S bosses immediately started paying attention. That’s people-power! Together, our pressure has led to the night shift staff being given a seat at the negotiating table so now we're keeping up the pressure to get these G4S night shift staff what they deserve.

Progress in respecting unpaid carers

Organise members successfully pressured the Government to investigate the carer’s allowance scandal - that’s the scandal that has left some unpaid carers facing criminal charges and thousands with massive debts after minor breaches to the complex rules. [8] Thanks to our community keeping up the pressure, last week Organise members were invited to take part in the official review of the carer’s allowance scandal. The conversation was productive but one thing is clear: carer’s allowance isn’t fit for purpose. This conversation couldn't have happened without the thousands of unpaid carers on Organise taking action - thank you! Thank you. From winning fair wages to changing the law, Organise members are at the forefront of making work better for all of us. These examples of impact highlight how important – and effective! – it is when we all come together to take action.

[1] Low Pay Commission report[2] Organise survey: Submission for the Low Pay Commission[3] Organise snap poll: Should we keep campaigning for a £15 minimum wage?[4] Organise petition: Stop Invasive Driver Surveillance: Protect Our Privacy and Rights at Tesco Dagenham[5] Organise petition: Uber Deactivating Drivers App on False Allegation[6] Organise petition: Wetherspoons: Lead the Way on Ethnicity Pay Gap Reporting[7] Organise petition: Treat night staff equally at G4S[8] BBC: Inquiry announced after carers forced to repay benefits


Honor Barber