CAREERs at Organise

We’re hiring!

Organise is a fast-growing startup on a mission to give everyone the tools, network and confidence to improve their life at work. Our vision is for a world in which decent, fairly paid work is available and accessible to all, and where all of us are treated with dignity and respect at work.

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Working at Organise

More than 1 million people are already using Organise. We put power in people’s hands, building a progressive force for change inside companies. The Organise staff team pride ourselves on nimble, focused workplace campaigns. That means our team is decisive, ambitious and happy to take risks. We’re characterised by our energy and enthusiasm; we’d rather aim high and see what happens, than play it safe. We’re passionate about putting Organise members first – we believe change at work happens when more people get involved.

We're expanding our team and building out our platform to include a peer-to-peer network. We're building a space for people to build power and support each other at work pseudonymously. A space for our core members to talk to each other in a space their boss can't see. Small monthly subscriptions from members will verify their identity. The Organise network is paid for and protected by the workers.

We currently operate in the UK, and are aiming to launch in the US soon. Learn more about our team, here.


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Front End Engineer
Full-Time Position
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Content & Campaigns
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Job Openings

Front End Engineer
Full-Time Position
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the big questions


What is Organise?

Organise is a worker-led network of over a million people who believe that better work is possible. Organise empowers everyone with the tools, support and confidence to improve their life at work. Our worker-led network mixes collective action and digital campaigning techniques to be heard at the highest levels.

The Organise worker-driven model allows anyone to start a campaign for free; connecting workers from the same organisation, sector or country - uniting members who share a common goal. It then provides them with the digital tools, support and confidence needed to raise a collective voice and improve their working lives.

The platform is designed to complement Union membership as well as support those not affiliated with a traditional Union. Organise provides campaigning tools including anonymised surveys, open letters, petitions, and communication channels to help amplify worker-led campaigns and get them off the ground.

Why did you start Organise?

The rapidly changing nature of work means that thousands of people don’t have access to the basic tools that allow them to collectively improve their lives at work. Right now big changes are being made to employment benefits and conditions without staff ever being asked. People are forced to ‘like it or lump it’ - and now lots of people feel that it's just the way it is. But better work is possible. Organise looks to turn that on its head, and give people across the globe - regardless of job title or industry - access to the tools they need to team up with their colleagues and improve things. All while protecting their identity, so they don’t have to fear losing their jobs.