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Using Organise

How to create a snap poll on Organise

Snap polls are a quick and easy way to get other people’s views on what's happening at work and how to make change at your workplace. Here’s how to set up a snap poll on Organise.

Zainabb Hull
January 23, 2023

Whether it's checking if other people agree with you about an issue at work, or voting with your colleagues about what to do next to make change happen, Organise snap polls are a great way to sense check what others in the network are thinking.

Create your snap poll 📊

From your Organise Dashboard, go to the Create tab. This is where you’ll find a variety of tools to take action at work. Click on the option that says, “Run a snap poll” to start your poll.

A screenshot of the Create section on Organise. The options visible are titled 'Ask a quick question', 'Run a snap poll', 'Start a petition' and 'Write an open letter'.

Ask your question 💬

Begin by entering your question into the first box. Make it short and snappy so that other Organise members know what you’re asking and can answer quickly.

A screenshot of the snap poll creation page on Organise. The first prompt is titled 'Ask a Question', with a box for the user to enter their snap poll question.

For example, you could ask something like:

  • Would you consider rejecting our company’s current pay offer to get an improved offer?
  • If there’s one thing that would make your work better right now, what would it be?
  • Do you think healthcare workers should get a pay rise at least in line with inflation?

Choose your poll options ✅

Next, it’s time to choose the options that people can vote for. Depending on your question, these could be as simple as “Yes” and “No”, or they might be more complex.

Enter your options into the boxes. You can add extra options with the “Add another option” button. You’ll need to include at least two options but we recommend that you don’t add more than four - otherwise, it can be overwhelming for other people and you might get fewer responses.

A screenshot of the snap poll creation page on Organise. This section is titled 'Options' with boxes for the user to enter voting options for other members.

Select your poll audience 👯

Once you’re happy with your options, it’s time to choose who to show your poll to on Organise. You can choose to show your poll to all Organise members, which is a great option for broad questions that apply to lots of workers in different situations - or you can show your poll only to colleagues at your workplace or in your sector. This is helpful if you have a more specific question and you want to get data from a specific group of people.

A screenshot of the snap poll creation page on Organise. This section is titled 'Select audience' with options to share the poll with everyone, the user's sector, or the user's workplace.

Remember that you can share the link to your Organise snap poll with anyone in your personal or professional network and they’ll be able to vote in it, regardless of the Organise audience you choose to share it with.

Publish your Organise poll 🏆

Finally, just click “Publish Snap Poll” and you’re done! You’ll be given your poll’s link to share far and wide, and you can view your poll and its results at any time by going to the Create page. Congratulations!

Based on how others vote, you might want to deepen the data with another poll, or even launch a campaign by starting a petition or open letter.


Zainabb Hull

Zainabb supports Organise members and helps organisers tweak campaigns to increase their impact.